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Extraction Sector Case Studies

Kennedy Quarries, Northern Ireland

Photo Credit: Kennedy Quarries

Kennedy Quarries Ltd (a Lagan Group Company), Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, demonstrates their commitment to environmental protection, enhancement and promotion of its biodiversity by compiling and implementing a company Biodiversity Management Plan. Their basalt quarry, aggregate processing facilities and bituminous coating plant is surrounded by 9 ha of land, and is a mosaic of grassland, gorse heath, embankments, semi-natural woodland, scrub and hedgerows.

The Biodiversity Management Plan, specific to Kennedy Quarries audits the habitat and species present surrounding the quarry, identifies local and national priority habitats and species, and provides a framework to maximise site biodiversity. The principal objective of the plan is to provide the site manager with a clear understanding of how contributions to national and local biodiversity can be achieved through the management of the site and environmental awareness within the company.

Kennedy Quarries has also formed a partnership with the Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland (CVNI) a region of the national organisation British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV). The company is working together with CVNI’s experienced conservation staff to help manage their landholdings for the benefit of biodiversity and long term good. The biodiversity plan has also been incorporated into the annual audits aimed at achieving ISO 140001 accreditation.
Aggregate companies in Northern Ireland are following Kennedy’s lead and are also developing their own site specific company biodiversity action plans which is in step with the regional Biodiversity and Geodiversity Action Plan being written for the sector by the Quarry Products Association NI in partnership with the Environment and Heritage Service, RSPB and the Ulster Wildlife Trust.

Shell plc

Shell plc recognises its impacts on biodiversity. In 2001 the company devised a Biodiversity Standard/Policy to help mitigate these impacts. Through the standard Shell has committed to not explore or drill for oil and gas resources in natural World Heritage Sites and to develop site BAPs (Biodiversity Action Plans) when operating in IUCN Category I-IV protected areas (by end of 2005) and other areas of high biodiversity value (by end 2007).

The standard is being implemented into all Shell companies by incorporating biodiversity into its internal Environment, Social and Health Impact Assessment processes that are conducted for any new major projects or significant modifications to existing projects. This helps address biodiversity early on in the decision making process and project design, ensuring that managers take biodiversity seriously and report on their activities.

Shell has also developed an internal online mapping system, which can be used globally, allowing the operating units to identify environmentally sensitive sites and map them against the existing or planned activities in order to get a better understanding of the associated environmental risks. The information obtained from the impact assessment and monitoring studies provide ecological data that is shared with the larger biodiversity community through a collaborative effort with UNEP-WCMC (The World Conservation Monitoring Centre) known as ECOiSHARE.

Communication amongst the group is essential to promote biodiversity as an integral part of sustainable development, encouraging staff to comply with the biodiversity standard. A biodiversity working group has been established to keep everyone updated on internal and external biodiversity related activities, news and new communication materials.

Through working in partnerships and consulting with biodiversity experts the group hopes to make a positive contribution towards the conservation of global biodiversity.

Aggregate Industries

Aggregate Industries has identified biodiversity as one of three major environmental aspects within its ISO 14001 certified Environment Management System. In 2002 the company published a Company Biodiversity Action Plan (CBAP) outlining its targets, which it is implementing across the company and on its sites. The CBAP is available to the general public through the company’s web site and progress towards achieving the targets is reported annually in Aggregate Industries plc Sustainability Report.

The company operates 71 quarries, over 50% of which have developed Site Biodiversity Action Plans. Many of these sites are responsible for designated conservation areas including Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (biological and geological), RAMSAR and Special Protected Areas which are managed as part of the Site BAPs.







Photo Credit: Noel Morrin/RMC




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