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Retail Sector Case Studies

Marks & Spencer

Marks and Spencer, the UK’s 8th largest food retailer, has imbedded sustainability into its M&S brand. With 12 million customers per week shopping in 350 stores across the nation, the company’s vision is to be the UK’s most trusted retailer in terms of sustainability.

Biodiversity constitutes an inherent part of sustainable sourcing of raw materials and overall operational thinking. Wherever significant sustainability impacts of raw material sourcing are identified, the company aims to support best practice, avoid bad practice and encourage the bulk of its supply chain operations to improve their performance.

Marks & Spencer has carried out a comprehensive analysis of its biodiversity impacts which revealed three focus areas for improving the sustainability of its product line. Through these focus areas - fish, wood and cotton - the company can concentrate resources not only on securing sources which meet minimum standards and criteria, but work to improve biodiversity performance within the industries supplying these products.

Marks & Spencer also have biodiversity standards for all of its fresh produce growers and have a programme to phase out the use of peat in the growing of their flowers and plants.

Photocredit: forest carnivor: Kevin Schafer




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